Direct seeding black cherry: Some Recommendations for the Allegheny Plateau
Although much is yet to be learned, our studies show that direct seeded black cherry will attain heights of 8 feet or more in 4 years under favorable conditions. Proper seed handling, covering the seed with soil to about 1 1/2 inches, control of weed and grass competition, and protection from damage by deer are critical requirements for good establishment and growth. Direct seeding of black cherry is most successful in cutover forest areas of the mixed hardwood type. It is not always required after cutting. Many stands will regenerate naturally, especially those that have abundant advanced seedling regeneration established on the area before cutting. But in areas where advanced regeneration is lacking or sparse, natural regeneration may prove inadequate. If so, direct seeding of fast growing and valuable black cherry may be desirable.
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Author(s): Harold J. Huntzinger
Publication: Tree Planters' Notes - Volume 23, Number 1 (1972)
Volume: 23
Number: 1