Effect of Site Preparation and an Oat Cover Crop on the Height Growth of Balsam Fir
Balsam fir (Abies balsamea L.) has been used as planting stock on a wide variety of sites throughout central Maine for production of Christmas trees. Because of its good color, aroma, and response to cultural measures, this species will be planted more extensively in the future. In spite of the desirable characteristics, balsam fir has been difficult to establish in open fields. Competing grasses caused poor growth and low survival rates in many plantations. Plowing and harrowing the site before planting has given excellent results when oats were also seeded down as cover. This method, when used with an application of a herbicide, such as Simazine, in following years, produced an early rapid growth of balsam fir.
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Author(s): John A. Dirkman
Publication: Tree Planters' Notes - Volume 22, Number 2 (1971)
Volume: 22
Number: 2