A Simplified Way to Store and Stratify Tulip Poplar Seed
In the fall of 1967, we had a large amount of tulip poplar seed left over from a bumper crop that year. This seed was successfully stored and stratified on the ground without excavating pits at the Vallonia State Tree Nursery, Vallonia, Ind. To cut expenses and the hard labor required to excavate pits in which seed could be stratified, we tried the following method. It proved to be successful. In our White Pine Plantation (75 percent shade), we cleared a section of ground by removing all litter. The surface of the soil was raked level. We spread shredded tulip poplar seed over the cleaned surface in a strip about 4 feet wide, 10 inches deep, and 50 feet long. The seed was then covered with one-half inch bird screen (hardware cloth). The entire screen-covered "seedbed" was finally covered with 12 inches of rye straw, which extended along the sides of the bed. By using an oscillating garden sprinkler, the entire covered bed was thoroughly wetted down. The bird screen prevented the straw from mixing with the seed. To remove the straw we merely rolled up the screen with the straw in it (similar to a jelly roll) .
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Author(s): John Alpar
Publication: Tree Planters' Notes - Volume 20, Number 3 (1969)
Volume: 20
Number: 3