Improving Storage of Spruce Pine Seed
Landowners where spruce pine (Pinus glabra Walt.) grows best have recently become interested in planting and seeding this species because it grows fast and is useful for both pulpwood and sawtimber. However, seed storage schedules suitable for other species of southern pine are not suitable for spruce pine seed. Interim results of a study on the best way to store spruce pine seed are reported here. Both low temperature and low moisture levels appear necessary. Cones were collected in late October 1964 in Livingston Parish, La. Seeds were extracted in a kiln heated to approximately 100°F. After empties had been floated off in ethyl alcohol, the seeds were dried to either 6, 9, 12, or 15 percent moisture content, and assigned to storage at either 0, 25, or 34°F. The test thus included all 12 possible combinations of four moisture contents and three storage temperatures. Each treatment was replicated three times. Before the seeds were stored, samples were stratified for 28 days and tested for germination.
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Author(s): James P. Barnett, B. F. McLemore
Publication: Tree Planters' Notes - Volume 18, Number 2 (1967)
Volume: 18
Number: 2