Ideal Nursery Bed Density for Sweetgum Seedlings
The effects of variable seedling density in the nursery bed are well documented for numerous coniferous species, but we found nothing in the literature on the effects of seedling density on sweetgum seedlings. Because of increasing interest in planting this species, some guidelines are needed. In a recent study, we found that the best density lay between 15 and 25 seedlings per square foot. Within this range, we produced the maximum number of plantable seedlings per square foot of nursery bed, achieved good seed utilization, needed less time for culling unplantable seedlings, and produced seedlings small enough to plant easily yet large enough to grow rapidly after planting.
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Author(s): Charles D. Webb, Sanford P. Darby, Jr.
Publication: Tree Planters' Notes - Volume 18, Number 2 (1967)
Volume: 18
Number: 2