Results of Survival Test on Longleaf Pine Seedling Plantation
A test planting of longleaf pine seedlings was made on DeRidder, La., air base property, which is administered by Beauregard Parish Police Jury. The site was a typical low, flat, wet area. Because of the site's wetness, direct seeding has been unsuccessful. Seed evidently would rot before they had a chance to germinate. Beauregard Nursery personnel obtained 50,000 root-pruned longleaf pine seedlings and planted them in November 1962. During August 1963 the taproots were pruned at a 4- to 5-inch depth. The seedlings were lifted at a 6-inch depth on March 13, 1964, and were transplanted on March 17-19. The transplanting site had been control burned just prior to planting. A pulltype Lawther planter and a pickup-type planter were used. The pull-type planter performed slightly better. Standard 6- by 8-foot spacing was used. The planting was closely supervised because it was difficult to plant the trees at the correct depth.
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Author(s): Dean H. Burns, Clyde L. Gehron
Publication: Tree Planters' Notes - Issue 71 (1965)