Fertilizing Strip-Mine Plantings Benefits Some Hardwoods
After 2 years, American sycamore, European alder, and yellow-poplar seedlings that were fertilized when planted on an Ohio strip mine had grown significantly taller than nonfertilized seedlings. However, fertilization significantly reduced yellow-poplar survival. Seven other species in the planting benefited less or were hindered less by fertilization. New spoil banks usually contain little natural soil, and many lack sufficient amounts of one or more plant nutrients. However, if the spoil is loosely graded, it provides a good medium for root growth, and promotes satisfactory soil-moisture relations. On such sites fertilization of hardwood plantations should be more effective than in old-field or forest plantings where fertilization is commonly of little value.
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Author(s): David T. Funk, Rodney R. Krause
Publication: Tree Planters' Notes - Issue 71 (1965)