Tree Planters' Notes Issue 65 (1964)
Improvements to Grading Tables and Root Pruners
Stored Longleaf Seed Successfully Direct Seeded
The Effect of Preplanting Ground Treatment on Early Survival and Growth of Planted White Spruce
Comparison of Survival and Growth of 1-0 and 2-0 White Pine
Plantation Spacing and Site Conditions
Rutex Treatment of Ponderosa Pine Planting Stock
Quality of Yellow-Poplar Planting Stock Varies by Mother Tree and Seedbed Density
Seedling Storage in Refrigerator Cars
Initial Progress of a Cottonwood Plantation in the Piedmont of South Carolina
An Economic Study of Weed Control With Soil Fumigants in a Forest Nursery
Populus Trichocarpa Seeds Endure Adversities