Nursery Weed Control with Dacthal
Certain herbicides have provided satisfactory weed control in forest nursery seedling and transplant beds, with little or no injury to trees. These have included soil fumigants, contact oils, certain triazines, Eptam, and Vegadex (5, 6, 7, 10). When some of these materials are used, the trees appear to "escape" chemical injury because the particular herbicides are volatile, are not absorbed through the foliage, or are applied to and remain in the surface layer of soil. With such materials, successful treatment demands special formulations, precise dosage, careful and timely application, and even special cultural procedures (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9). Often the margin of safety is small. Thus, very careful selection of herbicides is still being made.
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Author(s): J. E. Kuntz, T. T. Kozlowski, K. E. Wojahn, W. H. Brener
Publication: Tree Planters' Notes - Issue 61 (1963)