A Homemade Tree Potting System
It is difficult to obtain satisfactory survival of evergreen seedlings on nonirrigated lands in the Great Plains when bare-root planting stock is used. Ranchers and farmers in this region, however, want and need evergreens for windbreak and shelterbelt plantings. Potted seedlings could provide one answer to this problem. To furnish potted stock to landowners at a reasonable cost, a potting system was devised and built by John Ellis and Ardy Keck of the Colorado State Forest Service. The major components of the system are: (1) 10 potting trays, (2) a series of live conveyor belts, (3) a soil packing machine, and (4) a heavy-duty stapling machine. Figure 1 shows the arrangement of these various components.
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Author(s): Dale L. Shaw
Publication: Tree Planters' Notes - Issue 61 (1963)