Time of Fertilizer Application Affects Size of Conifer Seedlings
Studies of fertilizer use in Ontario have indicated that time of fertilizer application may markedly affect both seedling quality, in particular nutrient content, and size. Further, a previous study (Armson 1960) of nutrient uptake in white spruce indicated that although the uptake rate for nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus was maximum early in the growing season and decreased with time, the phosphorus uptake increased again in mid-August to September, while the other two did not. Another observation was that white spruce growth, as dry weight, increases almost linearly with time until freezeup; thus, the growing season is much longer than was formerly thought.
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Author(s): K. A. Armson, Kenneth H. Reese, R. D. Carman
Publication: Tree Planters' Notes - Issue 59 (1963)