Tree Planters' Notes Issue 58 (1963)
Effects of a Fertilizer Solution and Gibberellic Acid on Loblolly Pine Seedlings
Design for a Tree Seedling Packing Frame
The Effects of Soil Sterilant Chemicals on the Germination and Development of Conifer Seedlings and Weed Control
Some Essentials of Machine Planting
Effects of Seedling Size and Depth of Planting on Early Survival and Growth of Slash Pine
Freezing Temperatures Affect Survival of Planted Loblolly and Slash Pine Seedlings
Can Bundled Seedlings Survive Freezing?
Inventory Procedure for Small or Specialized Forest Nurseries
Light Requirements for Germination of Imbibed Loblolly Pine Seed
Cost of Direct Seeding Shortleaf Pine in the Missouri Ozarks