Recommendations for Successful Storage of Tree Seed
In storing tree seed the following must be considered: type of container, seed moisture content, storage temperature and facilities, and seed condition. This article includes recommendations and information intended as a guide for people storing tree seed. Table 1 is based on a thorough review of the literature, observations and experience, and the results of research at the Eastern Tree Seed Laboratory. Many varieties of containers are used in storing seed, but the main points to consider are the type of container and the effectiveness of the seal. A container now used by many people for dry storage is a fiberboard drum with an aluminum foil innerlining. These drums are light in weight, economical, and are available in different sizes. As an additional safety factor in maintaining moisture content, it may be desirable to place the seed inside a polyethylene bag before it is put into the drum. Drums should be filled so that there will be a minimum of air space; within limits, the greater the air space, the greater the chance of the moisture content rising. In addition, if the drums or containers are not full, storage space is wasted.
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Author(s): LeRoy Jones
Publication: Tree Planters' Notes - Issue 55 (1962)