Tree Planters' Notes Issue 48 (1961)
Mortality of Loblolly Pine Planted Under Small Hardwoods
Growth of Hardwood Plantations on Bottoms in Loess Areas
Agitator Seedling Lifter
Tree-Raising Succeeds on Barren Sand Tracts
Furrowing Improves First-Year Survival of Planted Spruce and Pine in Manitoba
Polyethylene Bag Storage Versus Stratification in Sand as a Pregermination Treatment for White and Loblolly Pine
Tests of Deer and Rabbit Repellents on Planted Loblolly Pines in Eastern Maryland
Cold Treatment of Seed and Moisture Absorption
Combination Cone Kiln and Extractor
The Effectiveness of Eptam in Controlling Weeds in Southern Forest Nurseries