Update on Soil Fumigation: MBr Alternatives and Reregistration Decisions
Enebak, S. A. IN: National Proceedings: Forest and Conservation Nursery Associations — 2010, p. 40-45. Riley, L.E., Haase, D.L. and Pinto, J.R. technical coordinators. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Proceedings RMRS-P-65. 2011.
This article gives a brief history of the importance of methyl bromide in the production of forest seedlings in the southern United States and the timeline for the Montreal Protocol and Clean Air Act to phase out ozone-depleting compounds. In addition, the process, steps, and potential for continued MBr use under the Critical Use Exemption and Quarantine Pre-shipment articles within the treaty are discussed. A summary of the re-registration decisions proposed by the US Environmental Protection Agency for the re-registration of all soil fumigants under the Food Quality Protection Act is outlined as well as current status of MBr alternatives available for the production of forest seedlings in the southern United States.
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Author(s): Scott A. Enebak
Publication: National Nursery Proceedings - 2010
Joint Meeting of the Southern Forest Nursery Association and Northeastern Forest and Conservation Nursery Association
2010 - Little Rock, Arkansas