Management of White Grubs in Forest Nurseries
Smitley, D. IN: National Proceeding: Forest and Conservation Nursery Associations - 2009. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Proceedings RMRS-P-62, p. 86-87. 2010.
In Michigan, the most important white grub pests of nursery seedlings are European chafer beetle (Rhizotrogus majalis) and June beetles (Phyllophaga spp.). If damage is observed and white grubs found, beds can be protected from future damage with imidacloprid applied as Discus™ or Marathon® once per year in June or July.
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Author(s): David Smitley
Publication: National Nursery Proceedings - 2009
Northeastern Forest and Conservation Nursery Association Meeting
2009 - Grand Rapids, Michigan