Southern Forest Nursery Association
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Outlook for Blight-Resistant American Chestnut Trees
- Author(s): Paul H. Sisco
Nursery Profile: North Carolina Department of Forest Resources F.H. Claridge Nursery
- Author(s): James West
The Christmas Tree Industry in Western North Carolina
- Author(s): Jill Sidebottom
Successes and Failures in Controlling Weeds in Hardwood Seedbeds at the Arkansas Forestry Commission Baucum Forest Nursery
- Author(s): Allan Murray
Hardwood Weed Control: Iowa Department of Natural Resources Forestry, Iowa State Nursery
- Author(s): Roger Jacob
Weed Management at ArborGen, South Carolina SuperTree Nursery
- Author(s): Mike Arnette
A Century of Progress in Weed Control in Hardwood Seedbeds
- Author(s): David B. South
Root-Collar Diameter and Third-Year Survival of Three Bottomland Hardwoods Planted on Former Agricultural Fields in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley
- Author(s): Emile S. Gardiner, Douglass F. Jacobs, Ronald P. Overton, George Hernandez
From Lifting to Planting: Root Dip Treatments Affect Survival of Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda)
- Author(s): Tom E. Starkey, David B. South
Stunt Nematode (Tylenchorhynchus claytoni) Impact on Southern Pine Seedlings and Response to a Field Test of Cover Crops
- Author(s): Michelle M. Cram, Stephen W. Fraedrich
2008 Interim Guidelines for Growing Longleaf Pine Seedlings in Container Nurseries
- Author(s): D. Paul Jackson, James P. Barnett, Mark J. Hainds, R. Kasten Dumroese
Acorn Storage: Can You Really Fool Mother Nature?
- Author(s): Kristina Connor