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Home Publications National Nursery Proceedings 2004 Needs and Benefits of Nursery Accreditation

Needs and Benefits of Nursery Accreditation

It appears, from observations reported by both private and public nurseries, that there are nurseries that do not have adequate quality assurance procedures. Species are being mislabeled and incorrect seed sources are being sold. It appears that some nurseries have entered the market ill prepared to provide quality seedlings.Onthe other hand, why should anyone listen to an established nursery instead of a new nursery that is selling a less expensive seedling? Nursery accreditation would be onewayfor a reputable nursery trying to follow correct practices to distinguish themselves from those that do not. Accreditation may also assist in supporting claims a nursery wishes to make concerning its products. For example, a nursery may produce seedlings with a particular strain of mycorrhizal fungus. Accreditation is one method that can be used to certify that the mycorrhizal seedlings do, in fact, possess mycorrhizae. Another nursery may wish to certify that their products are developed and grown for use within a particular state or region while another may wish to certify for superior timber production.

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Author(s): Robert P. Karrfalt

Publication: National Nursery Proceedings - 2004

Event: Southern Forest Nursery Association
2004 - Charleston, SC