Controlled Release Fertilizer Improves Quality of Container Longleaf Pine Seedlings
Longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) is an important reforestation species in the South. Longleaf pine’s fire tolerance, resistance to bark beetles, better growth on sand ridges, and higher value as sawtimber makes it, for some landowners, a more secure investment than other southern pines (Hainds 2002). Secondary products like pine straw for landscaping and the fact that longleaf stands can be managed in a variety of ways also favor its use (Outcalt 2000). As a result, production of longleaf pine in containers surged during the past decade to meet demand caused by changes in United States farm policy, seed scarcity, longer planting windows afforded by container stock, and better performance of container seedlings over bareroot seedlings on outplanting sites (see Dumroese and Barnett 2004).
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Author(s): R. Kasten Dumroese, Jeff Parkhurst, James P. Barnett
Publication: National Nursery Proceedings - 2004
Southern Forest Nursery Association
2004 - Charleston, SC