Nursery and Afforestation Practices in Inner Mongolia, China
In mid-October 1999, I visited Inner Mongolia at the request of the Forestry and Agriculture Organization to evaluate nursery practices and afforestation programs designed to protect the soil and provide wood products. Inner Mongolia is a narrow region of northern China immediately south and east of the country of Mongolia. It stretches from east to west about 2,000 km, equivalent to the distance from Minnesota to western Wyoming. The predominant native vegetation type is grassland; existing forests are all man-made. I was headquartered in the town of Tongliao, near the eastern border of Inner Mongolia on the 44th parallel north latitude. This location has a climate similar to central South Dakota. Precipitation is about 400 mm per year, concentrated during the growing season. Winters are cold and dry. Further to the east is the region of Manchuria that has higher precipitation and is largely forested. Many of the trees being tested for use in Inner Mongolia are native to Manchuria. At the far western end of Inner Mongolia is the Gobi Desert, with rainfall less than 100 mm per year. There is great concern regarding the rate of expansion of this desert in recent history.
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Author(s): Richard W. Tinus
Publication: National Nursery Proceedings - 2000
Western Forest and Conservation Nursery Association Conference
2000 - Kona, HI