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Home Publications National Nursery Proceedings 1999 Fertilizer Application Equipment for Bareroot and Container Nurseries

Fertilizer Application Equipment for Bareroot and Container Nurseries

Fertilizer application equipment can apply chemicals in dry or liquid form or as manure. The appropriate equipment will place the material at the desired rate in the desired location. In bareroot nurseries, fertilizer is usually applied dry in granulated pellets or coated form. Where in plentiful supply, animal manure may be used, both for nutrients and organic matter. In container production, nutrients may be applied in granular slow-release form or, more commonly, injected into the irrigation water supply.

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Author(s): John W. Bartok, Jr.

Publication: National Nursery Proceedings - 1999

Event: Northeastern and the Western Forest and Conservation Nursery Associations Meeting
1999 - Ames, IA