Herbicide Labeling
Knowledge of pesticide law and regulation is necessary for the proper use of crop protection chemicals and to remain vigilant against the potential loss of useful compounds.The principle legal framework for pesticide use is the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act. There are a number of ways this legislation directly impacts the labelling and use of herbicides and other pesticides in forest tree nurseries.The legislation was modified by the Food Quality Protection Act of 1996. This new law may have serious negative effects on the availability of crop protection chemicals in all areas of agriculture, including nurseries. It is expected this legislation will make pesticides more expen-sive and less available. Examples are provided of strategies and activities aimed at securing crop protection chemical labels for use in forest tree nurseries.
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Author(s): Ken McNabb
Publication: National Nursery Proceedings - 1998
Southern Forest Nursery Association Meeting
1998 - Lafayette, LA