Longleaf Pine Seed Presowing Treatments: Effecs on Germination and Nursery Establishment
Longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) seeds are sensitive to damage during collection, processing, and storage. High-quality seeds are essential for successful production of nursery crops that meet management goals and perform well in the field. A series of tests was conducted to evaluate the effect of a number of presowing treatments, e.g., soaking, stratification, and coat sterilization on performance of longleaf pine seeds in the laboratory and nursery, The results of these tests that were installed to determine if presowing treatments improved seed performance are reported here.
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Author(s): James P. Barnett, Bill Pickens, Robert P. Karrfalt
Publication: National Nursery Proceedings - 1998
Southern Forest Nursery Association Meeting
1998 - Lafayette, LA