Considerations for Conditioning Seeds of Native Plants
The conditioning of seeds of native plants can be seen as having three main components: biological, physical, and administrative. These three interact and at different stages one can be more prominent than the others. However, each must be given its appropriate consideration if quality seed is to be available for native plant regeneration. The biological component is most important because it is the care and direction given this biological component that will determine regeneration success. Seed supplies with high viability and high vigor are indispensable. Therefore, compromises in the biological component should be minimized as seeds are conditioned. This point is often overlooked when time or money are in limited supply. This paper traces the conditioning of seed beginning with harvest, to extraction and cleaning, to storage, and ending with a brief discussion on quality control, quality assurance, and seed certification.
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Author(s): Robert P. Karrfalt
Publication: National Nursery Proceedings - 1997
Western Forest and Conservation Nursery Association
1997 - Boise, ID