Exponential Fertilization and Nutrient Loading of Forest Planting Stock
This workshop presentation will introduce a new concept of steady-state nutrient preconditioning for forest planting stock that results in enhanced growth and nutrition of seedlings after field planting. The conditoning process involves two fertilization techniques which are novel to nursery culture: exponential fertilization and nutrient loading. When transplanted from a high fertility environment of the nursery to a low fertility condition of the field, seedlings often experience nutritional stress because of limited nutrient supply and slow regeneration of the root system that restrict exploitation and absorbtion of soil nutrients. This stress may contribute to early growth check and plantation failure. Special cultural regimes that precondition seedlings for outplanting can reduce the severity of planting check.
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Author(s): Vic Timmer
Symposium Proceedings: Forest Seedling Nutrition from the Nursery to the Field