Propagation of Native Plants for Restoration Projects in the Southwestern U.S. - Preliminary Investigations
Seed treatments to enhance germination capacity of a variety of native tree, shrub, forb, and grass species are reported. Scarification methods including hot water immersion (HW), mechanical scarification (MS), tumble scarification (TS), proximal end cuts (PEC), and sodium hypochlorite (SH) have been tested: Psorothamnus fremontii(HW, TS), Ceanothus integerrimus (HW), Ceanothus sanguineus (HW), Rhus glabra (HW), Ptelea trifoliata (PEC of seed separated by size and color), Rubus strigosus (SH), Oryzopsis hymenoides (TS), Coleogyne ramosissima (TS), and a variety of native woody and herbaceous perennial legume species (HW, TS, MS). Gibberellic acid treatments were examined to overcome endo-dormancy of Alnus tenuifolia, A. oblongifolia, Rubus strigosus, and Oryzopsis hymenoides. Vegetative propagation methods investigated include mound layering of Platanus wrightii, root propagation of Populus tremuloides, and pole plantings of riparian understory species (Amorpha fruticosa, Baccharis glutinosa, Forestiera neomexicana, and Chilopsis linearis).
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Author(s): David R. Dreesen, John T. Harrington
Publication: National Nursery Proceedings - 1997
Western Forest and Conservation Nursery Association
1997 - Boise, ID