Herbicide Program at the PFRA Shelterbelt Centre
The PFRA Shelterbelt Centre is a major supplier of conservation tree and shrub planting stock in Canada. Testing of herbicides for nursery weed control has been under way for over thirty years. The result of this research has been the development of a comprehensive herbicide program that has supplemented conventional weed control methods that has significantly reduced nursery labour requirements. Herbicides currently used operationally are linuron for poplar and willow cuttings, choke cherry and green ash sowings, conifer transplants, all 1 -0 deciduous crops and nursery shelterbelts; sethoxyd im for barnyard grass control in conifer transplants; and trifluralin for caragana and Siberian elm sowings. Herbicide treatments being tested for operational use include: oxyfluorfen for conifer sowings; napropamide for villosa lilac sowings; trifluralin for buffaloberry and sea-buckthorn sowings; trifluralin/metribuzin tank mix for pre-emergent weed control in shelterbelts; and clopyralid for control of Canada thistle in shelterbelts.
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Author(s): W. R. (Bill) Schroeder, Lyle K. Alspach
Publication: National Nursery Proceedings - 1995
Western Forest and Conservation Nursery Association Meeting
1995 - Kearney, NE