Proceedings Southern Forest Nursery Association Conference
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Seedling Care and Planting of the Southern Pines
Custom Longleaf and Loblolly Pine Seedling Production - Savannah River Site (SRS) - Aiken, SC
- Author(s): Charles E. Cordell
Three-way Grading of Pine Seed Produces Consistent Improvements in Quality and Performance
- Author(s): Robert P. Karrfalt
Field- and Shed-Packing of Slash Pine Nursery Seedlings: Effects on survival and growth
- Author(s): Deborah A. McGrath, Mary L. Duryea, Timothy L. White
Alternative Treatments to Methyl Bromide
- Author(s): Walt Chapman
Controlling Loblolly Pine Seedling Growth through Carbon Metabolism Regulation rather than Mechanical Procedures
- Author(s): Paul P. Kormanik, S. Susana Sung, Taryn L. Kormanik
Pesticide Issues for 1992
- Author(s): John W. Taylor
Disease Control and the Environment
- Author(s): Dr. Ed A. Brown, Dr. Ed A. Brown
Hardwood Seed
- Author(s): Franklin T. Bonner
Impacts of Tree Improvement on Nursery Management: The Next Decade
- Author(s): Tim White
Improving Predictions of Seed Performance in Nurseries by Modifying Laboratory Germination
- Author(s): James P. Barnett
Hardwood Culture
- Author(s): Samuel J. Campbell, Jr.
Urban Forestry Programs and Tree Demands
- Author(s): Sharon Dolliver
Nitrogen Fertilization and Repeated Undercutting Affect Morphology of Bare-foot Loblolly Pine Seedlings
- Author(s): John C. Brissette
Hardwood Seedling Root Morphology and Nursery Practices
- Author(s): Janette R. Thompson, Richard C. Schultz
Containerized Seedling Production and Field Planting
- Author(s): Dale R. Larson, John W. Foster, Jr.
Nursery/Neighborhood Interaction
- Author(s): John R. Scholtes
Cultural Practices for the Production of Radiata Pine Cuttings in Australia
- Author(s): David B. Boomsma, Mary L. Duryea
National Perspective on Tree Planting Programs in the United States
- Author(s): Robert D. Mangold
Mobile Environmental Quality Exhibit
- Author(s): Edward A. Brown, II
A Survey on the Establishment of Forest Nurseries within the Counties of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Author(s): Ubirajara Contro Malavasi, Marlene de Matos Malavasi