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Home Publications National Nursery Proceedings 1992 Genetic Considerations in Propagating Native Shrubs, Forbs, and Grasses from Seed

Genetic Considerations in Propagating Native Shrubs, Forbs, and Grasses from Seed

Abstract. -- Germination and emergence studies with native species important for wildland restoration have demonstrated major genetic variation in seed and seedling traits. Habitat correlated differences between ecotypes have been documented for many species. Large between-plant differences within populations also appear to be the norm based on recent studies. Nursery propagators need to consider this variation in both collection and propagation procedures, so that outplanted populations will represent adapted ecotypes with a full range of within-population variation.

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Author(s): Susan E. Meyer, Stephen B. Monsen

Publication: National Nursery Proceedings - 1992

Event: Western Forest Nursery Association
1993 - Fallen Leaf Lake, CA