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Home Publications National Nursery Proceedings 1989 Bacterial Inoculation of Lodgepole Pine, White Spruce, and Douglas-fir Grown in Containers

Bacterial Inoculation of Lodgepole Pine, White Spruce, and Douglas-fir Grown in Containers

Inoculation of lodgepole pine and Douglas -fir with two Bacillus strains was shown to promote seedling growth. Strain L6 caused significant increases in lodgepole pine shoot and root dry weight, root surface area, and root collar diameter after eight weeks growth from seed. When 1-0 containerized stock was inoculated, shoot growth was increased, but root weight increases were not significant. Strain L6 also increased the root surface area of Douglas -fir 12 weeks after inoculation. Strain L5 significantly increased the rate of spruce seedling emergence and root surface area of lodgepole pine after 12 weeks growth but dry weight gains were not significant.

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Author(s): C. P. Chanway, R. A. Radley, F. B. Holl

Publication: National Nursery Proceedings - 1989

Event: Intermountain Forest Nursery Association Meeting
1989 - Bismark, ND