Control of Yellow-poplar Anthracnose with Seed Treatments and Foliar Fungicides
For the past several decades one Mississippi forest nursery's only hardwood pest problem has been yellow-poplar anthracnose caused by Glomerella cingulata ( St.) S. & V.S. Fumigation in the fall of 1984 with approximately 400 pounds per acre of MBC-2 failed to control early infection. During the same month the causal fungus was isolated from seed. Thus a combination of seed treatments and foliar fungicides was planned for the evaluation in 1985 in an effort to control seedborne inoculum. Residual and wind-disseminated inoculum were discounted since sanitation was practiced following the 1984 harvest, and the nursery has no large yellow-poplar on its borders.
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Author(s): Charles E. Affeltranger
Publication: National Nursery Proceedings - 1986
Southern Forest Nursery Association
1986 - Pensecola, Florida