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Home Publications National Nursery Proceedings 1986 Nursery and Field Evaluation of Compost-Grown Coniferous Seedlings

Nursery and Field Evaluation of Compost-Grown Coniferous Seedlings

An essential part of forest tree nursery culture is the use of organic amendments. Organic matter maintains soil characteristics like low bulk density, high water and nutrient holding capacities, improved soil structure and optimal environments for beneficial rhizosphere microorganisms (nitrifying bacteria, mycorrhizae, etc., Davey and Krause, 1980). Common organic amendments include green manure from cover crops, sawdust and peatmoss. Unfortunately, all have a high carbon to nitrogen ratio, may cause net nutrient immobilization and may release phytotoxic compounds. Sawdust and peatmoss availability are limited and used in other markets. Cover cropping requires additional nursery acreage. Composted material derived from manure, sawdust or spent mushroom compost results in less immobilization and little or no phytotoxic effects while still providing the desired organic input (Bledsoe 1981). Municipal sewage is an abundantly available organic nutrient source and has been favorably utilized in coniferous seedling production (Berry, 1985; Bledsoe and Zasoski, 1981). Addition of sludge provides supraoptimal nitrogen levels and will increase heavy metal levels in soils and plants`(Bledsoe, 1981). However, the use of both sludge and sawdust, which have been composted together, combines the beneficial characteristics of each and mitigates the less desirable properties. The purpose of this experiment was to investigate the potential use of a sawdust-sludge compost in forest tree nurseries.

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Author(s): Mark Coleman, Joan Dunlap, David W. Dutton, Caroline Bledsoe

Publication: National Nursery Proceedings - 1986

Event: Combined Western Forest Nursery Council and Intermountain Nursery Association Meeting
1986 - Tumwater, WA