In-Bed Herbaceous Windbarrier Produced More Ponderosa Pine Seedlings
There are currently no windbreaks at the Albuquerque Tree Nursery, but experience at other nurseries indicates windbreaks can be highly beneficial. To test the concept quickly without erecting or growing anything permanent, one drill row of oats was sown per bed when the rest of the bed was sown to ponderosa pine. The oats, which were maintained at 30 cm height by mowing, reduced wind velocity at ground level by 79%. In spite of a 25% loss of seedbed space (row 8 to planted oats and row 7 to competition from the oats), there were 55% more seedlings per running meter of bed with the windbarrier (6 rows) than without the windbarrier (8 rows). With the windbarrier, increases in seedling fresh weight and epicotyl height, and greener color were observed, but variability was too great for the differences to be significant. Windbarriers in adjacent beds across a section had no significant cumulative effect.
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Author(s): Richard W. Tinus
Publication: National Nursery Proceedings - 1985
Intermountain Nurseryman's Association Meeting
1985 - Fort Collins, CO