Pruning Loblolly Pine Seedlings
Undercutting and top pruning are performed routinely to meet loblolly pine seedling size, uniformity and condition standards. Top pruning improves height distribution but does not improve crop uniformity because it does not release seedlings below desired height before treatment. Undercutting alters root: shoot balance, improves seedling quality and crop uniformity. The overall success ofundercutting and pruning operations is determined by the timing and frequency of these operations. At present, pruning is used in excess to correct growth imbalances caused by genetic differences among seedlots and suboptimal sowing, fertilization and irrigation practices.
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Author(s): John G. Mexal, James T. Fisher
Publication: National Nursery Proceedings - 1984
Southern Nursery Conference Proceedings - Eastern Session
1984 - Asheville, NC