Forest Tree Nursery Herbicide Studies in the Lake States and New York: Highlights of Research Results
Eight herbicides (registered for similar uses in the U.S.) were extensively evaluated at 42 forest tree nurseries in Western and Northern United States for weed control on first year seedling nursery beds. This paper will concentrate on research at 9 nurseries in the Lake States and in New York. Phytotoxicity evaluations of dcpa, napropamide, oxyfluorfen, diphenamid, bifenox, oxadiazon, trifluralin and prometryn on 15 different conifer and hardwood species are presented. Additional keywords: Enide®, treflan®, Dacthal®, Caparol®, Devrinol®, Modown®, Goal®, and Ronstar®.
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Author(s): Lawrence P. Abrahamson, Terrence Jares
Publication: National Nursery Proceedings - 1984
Northeast Area Nursery Supervisors Conference Proceedings
1984 - Dover, DE