Effects of wrenching Douglas-Fir seedlings in August
Effects of wrenching Douglas-fir seedlings in August of their second season in the D. L. Phipps State Forest Nursery, Elkton, Oregon, were determined by periodic samplings to learn of changes in phenological, morphological, and growth characteristics. Initial effects of wrenching moderated by January when seedlings were lifted; both unwrenched and wrenched seedlings had grown substantially larger. Survival and growth of seedlings were good during the first 5 years after outplanting, and no significant differences were found between unwrenched and wrenched seedlings.
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Author(s): William I. Stein
Publication: National Nursery Proceedings - 1984
Western Forest Nursery Council-Intermountain Nurseryman's Association
1984 - Coeur d"Alene, ID