Effects of container size on White Pine and Douglas-Fir survival and growth in North Dakota
This study was designed to determine the effect container size has on field survival and growth of western white pine (Pinus monticola) and Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii). Between 1978 and 1982 field tests were installed in 13 plantations, and height growth and survival of styro-2, 4 and 8 seedlings were tracked for 2 to 5 years. Results indicate that styro-2 white pine survived as well as larger seedlings although height growth was slightly less. Greenhouse disease problems currently prevent growing operational quantities of styro-2 white pine, however. Styro-2 Douglas-fir performed as well as styro-4 seedlings on most sites. Styro-2 seedlings may be used on all but the driest Douglas-fir sites. In general, styro-8 seedlings were larger when planted and produced better height growth than styro-2 or 4 white pine and Douglas-fir seedlings. Increased survival and growth did not compensate for increased styro-8 production costs, however.
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Author(s): Daniel L. Miller, Richard M. Schaefer, III
Publication: National Nursery Proceedings - 1984
Western Forest Nursery Council-Intermountain Nurseryman's Association
1984 - Coeur d"Alene, ID