Post-plant control of nematodes in bareroot nurseries
The effect of fenamiphos (Nemacur) on Pratylenchus penetrans under Douglas-fir seedlings was evaluated in a Washington State transplant nursery. Optimum nematode control was obtained using 6 lb ai/a. Nematodes in the roots were reduced by almost 88 percent, and in the soil by 90 percent fifteen weeks after treatment. Nemacur at 3 and 6 lb ai/a increased seedling height by 15 and 23 percent respectively, and root weight by 38 and 43 percent respectively over untreated seedlings. These treatments had little effect on mycorrhizae development.
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Author(s): Fred D. McElroy
Publication: National Nursery Proceedings - 1984
Western Forest Nursery Council-Intermountain Nurseryman's Association
1984 - Coeur d"Alene, ID