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Home Publications National Nursery Proceedings 1982 The capability of private nurseries to meet federal long-term needs

The capability of private nurseries to meet federal long-term needs

Since the early 1900's, federal agencies within the Pacific Northwest have had the responsibility to ensure that the public forest lands are managed in such manner to continue timber harvesting and other forest activities in perpetuity as a nondeclining resource. As timber harvests were increased upon these public lands, it was soon apparent that natural regeneration would not adequately reforest those harvested areas and that artificial regeneration would become increasingly important as the means to meet their mandate for "non-declining yield." Federal agencies, such as Bureau of Land Management, United States Forest Service, and Bureau of Indian Affairs, found during these early years that there was no established source of reforestation stock within the private sector to draw upon. Therefore, their need resulted in the construction of both federal and state nurseries which are still in production, today. Industry was soon to follow in the 1950's as another land steward in need of adequate reforestation stock. Initially, their needs could be handled by the existing state nurseries. However, as demand increased within the private and public sector, industry recognized the need to develop their own nurseries to ensure an adequate supply of reforestation stock for their own needs. A major force in construction of these nurseries was the Industrial Forestry Association and Weyerhaueser, during the 1960's and early 70's.

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Author(s): Steve Schalla

Publication: National Nursery Proceedings - 1982

Event: Western Nurserymen's Conference
1982 - Medford, OR