Root egression from Potlatch Corporation containerized seedlings
Trees grown from seed in situ normally develop a strong taproot and well-distributed laterals. Conventional cultural techniques of seedling production (whether bare-root or containerized seedlings) stimulate root promulgation, but all means of artificial regeneration can hamper root distribution in soil at outplanting. Concern over seedling development after outplanting has been the subject of many studies. Of particular interest has been the effect of root deformation on seedling survival and height growth. Unfortunately, published reports offer conflicting conclusions whether seedling performance is detrimentally affected by the deviation from normal root form by plugs or bareroot stock.
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Author(s): Richard M. Schaefer, III, F. A. Kidd
Publication: National Nursery Proceedings - 1982
Western Nurserymen's Conference
1982 - Medford, OR