Potlatch'S reporting system for tracking seedling crops from requisition to plantation
The Potlatch greenhouse facility in Lewiston, Idaho, is growing over 1.6 million containerized seedlings in annual crops for the company's artificial regeneration program. It quickly became apparent, after the first crop produced in 1977, that keeping track of the seedlings on paper was a task for the computer rather than for the feeble mind of man. Our forestry management is organized into eight districts, each with a district forester having responsibility of managing over 70,000 acres. Due to the varied land forms and site productivity in northern Idaho, the foresters must have a wide range of species, seed sources, and seedling sizes from which to prescribe the establishment of plantations. And, they must react to harvest plan changes which affect planting plans, varying the numbers or even seed sources from their original plan. To provide a reliable source of information on the status of seedling orders and inventories, we turned quickly to our IBM 370 computer for help. Presented by Rich Schaefer for Paul Gravelle
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Author(s): Paul Gravelle
Publication: National Nursery Proceedings - 1982
Western Nurserymen's Conference
1982 - Medford, OR