Cold Hardiness and Bud Development Under Short Days in Black Spruce and White Spruce Seedlings
Cold hardiness of first-year seedlings of black spruce (Picea mariana B.S.P.) and white spruce (P. glauca [Moench] Voss) was increased by exposure to 8-hrphotoperiod at 20°C. After five weeks of short days, a temperature of -9°C did not cause damage in either species.Shoot elongation ceased and bud development began after expo-sure to short days. The development of cold hardiness was strongly correlated with the decreasing rate of shoot elongation and the increasing number of needle primordia in the terminal buds. After eight weeks of short days, bud development in both species was virtually complete.
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Author(s): S. J. Colombo, D. P. Webb, C. Glerum
Proceedings of the Canadian Containerized Tree Seedling Symposium
1981 - Toronto, Ontario