Monitoring growth progression through root collar diameter measurements
Four years of root collar diameter growth progression monitoring of 1+2 (1.5+1.5) and 3+0 black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.), 2+2 and 3+0 white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss), and 2+0 jack pine (Pinus banksianna (Lamb.)) are analyzed and discussed. The modified Weibull function provided excellent correlation coefficients for transplant stock (r 2 = 0.973 to 0.942) and for seedbed stock (r2 = 0.916 to 0.881). The application of these regression curves to the forecasting of stock size and quality is possible only while monitoring the growing season and noting the fluctuating properties of root collar diameter.
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Author(s): B. E. Polhill
Publication: National Nursery Proceedings - 1981
Proceedings of the 1981 Intermountain Nurserymen's Association meeting
1981 - Edmonton, Alberta