Evaluating root regeneration potential of bareroot nursery stock
The terms Root Regenerating Potential (RRP) and Root Growth Capacity are reviewed to overcome current confusion in the literature. It is suggested that the term Root Regenerating Potential be used exclusively to describe the potential of transplanted or outplanted nursery stock root systems to initiate or elongate new white roots shortly after transplanting or outplanting. The literature on RRP is reviewed with respect to the development of the methodology used to evaluate this important physiological attribute of nursery stock. The review of literature includes the work done at the Faculty of Forestry at the University of Toronto and at the School of Forestry at Lakehead University during the last decade. The review also includes the initial work done by Dr. E.C. Stone and his associates in California. The physiological quality and RRP work now in progress at the School of Forestry at Lakehead University is described and the methods used to bioassay the nursery stock are listed: 1) the pot bioassay method; 2) bioassay in the root mist chamber; and 3) bioassay in the root growth box.
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Author(s): Robert J. Day
Publication: National Nursery Proceedings - 1981
Proceedings of the 1981 Intermountain Nurserymen's Association meeting
1981 - Edmonton, Alberta