Northeastern Area Nurserymen's Conference
View other events from 1979
Cold Storage in Minnesota
- Author(s): Miles Weigand
Environmental Quality Evaluation's Responsibility in Nursery Pesticide Applications
- Author(s): Charles L. Hatch
Nursery Equiptment Development at MEDC
- Author(s): Richard G. Hallman
Small Lot Seed Processing Workshop
- Author(s): Dr. Earl Belcher, Earl Belcher
The Northeastern Area, Changes and Outlook
- Author(s): Lloyd R. Casey
Weed Sanitation and Herbicides
- Author(s): Philip L. Carpenter
Soil and Plant Analytical Services for Tree Nurseries
- Author(s): Albert L. Leaf, Donald H. Bickelhaupt, F. M. Solan
Integrated Control Procedures for Nursery Pest Management
- Author(s): Charles E. Cordell
Weed Sanitation Program at the Vallonia Nursery
- Author(s): Dr. James R. Wichman, Dr. James R. Wichman
Results of the 1978 Pisolithus Tinctorius Ectomycorrihizae National Evaluation in the 33 Bare-Root Nurseries in 18 Container Seedling Studies in the United States
- Author(s): Charles E. Cordell, Dr. Donald H. Marx
Overwinter Storage in New York
- Author(s): Robert L. Evans
Transplanter Cat
- Author(s): Archie Hakala
Vallonia Nursery
- Author(s): Steve Pennington
Short Term Progeny Tests for Black Walnut and Tulip Poplar
- Author(s): Mark V. Coggeshall, Walter F. Beineke
Mid-West Nursery Weed Control Administrative Study: 1979 Progress Report
- Author(s): Harvey A. Holt
Cost Accounting Methods of a Private Nursery
- Author(s): Conrad Eastman
Considerations and Steps to be Taken in Planning Cold Storage
- Author(s): Delbert G. Mugford
Welcome and Keynote Address
- Author(s): John Datena
Instructions for Nursery Cost Accounting
- Author(s): Gil Ellis
Greetings from Jasper-Pulaski: Indiana's Northernmost State Forest Nursery
- Author(s): Donald L. Westefer
Resolution of the Retirement of Erick Kurki
Cover Page, Table of Contents, and Program
Nursery Pest Management at the Vallonia Nursery
- Author(s): Philip T. Marshall
State and Provence Reports
Needs in Cold Storage Design
- Author(s): Stewart Pequignot