The M.E.D.C. reforestation program
The Missoula Equipment Development Center is one of two Development Centers in the Forest Service. The mission of Forest Service Equipment Development is the systematic application of scientific knowledge to create new or substantially improved equipment, systems, materials, processes, techniques and procedures that will perform a useful function and be suitable to meet the objectives of advanced forest management and utilization. The Missoula Center was established in the early 1950's to develop and test equipment for forest fire control. In recent years the emphasis has shifted to resource management and especially to timber management. This morning I'd like to briefly talk about a few of our reforestation projects and a few of the projects in our Cooperative Forestry Program. The reforestation program is primarily aimed at solving equipment problems in the National Forest system. The cooperative forestry program is aimed at helping state and private forestry organizations with their equipment problems.
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Author(s): Richard Hallman, Allan Cluster
Southern Nursery Conference: Eastern Session
1978 - Colonial Williamsburg, VA
Southern Nursery Conference: Western Session
1978 - Hot Springs, AR