National Pisolithus tinctorius ectomycorrhizae nursery evaluation
During the past several years, the U. S. Forest Service has been conducting extensive research and field application studies concerning the practical application of the ectomycorrhizal fungus, Fisolithus tinctorius, to bare-root and container seedling nurseries. Positive results, involving increased ectomycorrhizal development on seedling feeder roots, increased seedling biomass, and decreased cull percentages have been obtained on a variety of conifer and some hardwood seedling species over a wide geographic range in the United States. In 1978, the National P. tinctorius mycorrhizae evaluation was expanded to include 33 bare-root nurseries in 28 states along with container seedling studies in 8 states (including Hawaii) and Canada. The objective of this evaluation was to compare the effectiveness of P. tinctorius inoculum produced by the Mycorrhizal Institute - Athens, GA and Abbott Laboratories - Chicago, IL for ectomycorrhizal seedling feeder root formation, seedling growth and quality, and tree survival and growth in subsequent field outpl antings. Preliminary evaluation results show the Abbott P. tinctorius inoculum to be nearly comparable to the Georgia inoculum in producing ectomycorrhizae on a variety of conifer and some hardwood (oaks) species in both bare-root and container seedling nurseries. Consequently, these results could represent a significant potential increase in nursery seedling quality along with timber volumes. Barring unforeseen problems, Abbott Laboratories anticipates the commercial availability of P. tinctorius inoculum in 2-3 years.
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Author(s): Charles E. Cordell, Robert L. Anderson, Donald H. Marx
Southern Nursery Conference: Eastern Session
1978 - Colonial Williamsburg, VA
Southern Nursery Conference: Western Session
1978 - Hot Springs, AR