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Home Publications National Nursery Proceedings 1978 Evaluation of six herbicides for weed control in Pacific Coast forest nurseries

Evaluation of six herbicides for weed control in Pacific Coast forest nurseries

Herbaceous weeds, especially forbs, are a serious problem in western forest nurseries. Weeds reduce the efficiency of irrigation and fertilization, and habor tree-damaging insects and pathogens; weeds thus reduce survival and growth of tree seedlings. Nurserymen presently use fumigation, repeated sprays of diphenamid, and extensive hand weeding to mitigate the effects of weeds. Considerable improvement in weed control practices and reduction in seedling production costs are possible, however, through use of more effective herbicides with a corresponding reduction in hand weeding. A study was installed at 14 Pacific Coast forest nurseries during 1977 to evaluate weed control and conifer phytotoxicity of bifenox, butralin, DCPA, diphenamid, napropamide, and hexazinone on lst-year seedlings of nine species of conifers. These herbicides were identified as promising for use in forest nurseries in an earlier study (Stewart 1977). Diphenamid is the only one that is registered by the Environmental Protection Agency for preemergence use in forest nursery weed control in the Western United States.

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Author(s): R. E. Stewart, Peyton W. Owston

Publication: National Nursery Proceedings - 1978

Event: Nurseryman's conference and seed processing workshop
1978 - Eureka, CA