Service at the Eastern Tree Seed Laboratory
The Eastern Tree Seed Laboratory has a total service oriented program supported by a cooperative agreement between the Southeastern Area, State and Private Forestry, USFS: Southern Forest Experiment Station, USFS: Georgia Forest Research Council and Georgia Forestry Commission. This program is composed of five major functions. Each function is discussed and the available services described. Service Testing- The seed lab makes more than 5000 germination tests each year and 10,500 background tests which include: purity, moisture determination, x-ray evaluation, seeds per pound and full seed percent. More than 2000 cones are dissected each year to provide monitoring of conifer seed orchard production. The analysis provides knowledge of how many seed a cone could produce, how many it did produce and what caused the losses.
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Author(s): Earl W. Belcher, Jr.
Publication: National Nursery Proceedings - 1978
Nurseryman's conference and seed processing workshop
1978 - Eureka, CA