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Home Publications National Nursery Proceedings 1977 Development and Expansion of the Humboldt Nursery

Development and Expansion of the Humboldt Nursery

The first thought to keep in mind when a new Nursery is planned should be the ultimate production, not just next year or the next ten years, but for the next fifty years. Acquire all the land you need to meet this goal, plus a little more for flexibility, and then take a long time to plan and design the layout. And, most importantly, build it only once--complete with roads, irrigation and drainage systems, packing sheds, offices, people conveniences, repair shop and equipment storage. Get it all centralized and then after you start operations, don't ever change. If you need to expand, build another Nursery.

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Author(s): E. Don Perry

Event: Proceedings of Meetings Intermountain Nurserymen's Association
1977 - Manhattan, Kansas